Sunday, June 5, 2011

Nice Emergency Contact Numbers

Although I have never had an emergency incident of any kind in all my years of going to Nice, I always think it is wise to be prepared and at least know of some emergency contact numbers and addresses to be on the safe side.

Here is a list that you may find helpful:



Nice's Main Police Station is located at: 1 avenue Marechal Foch
tel. 04 92 17 22 22

There is also what they call a Police Tourist Station located a block from the beach next to Le Meridien Hotel.  It is located at: 4 rue de Gabriel Faure
tel. 04 93 53 53 53

Currently Nice is one of four test cities to introduce police patrolling by foot.  Right now the police force consists of 355 officers but that will increase to about 380 by the end of the year.  The first street patrols have already started and consist of nine, two-officer teams working in various locations throughout the city.  Personally, I'm all for it.  Anything that can bring together a community and help create a safer environment works to the benefit of everyone.

Nice's main hospital is Hospital Saint-Roch.  It is located at: 5 rue Pierre Devoluy

The hospital has 24 hour emergency services and the number is: tel. 04 92 03 33 75
SAMU (Medical emergencies) - Centre 15 : tel. 15


S.O.S. MÉDECINS (24h Doctor service) tel. 04 93 85 01 01

MÉDECINS DE GARDE (24h Doctor service) tel. 04 93 53 03 03

NICE MÉDECINS (24h Doctor service) tél. 04 93 52 42 42

S.O.S. DENTAIRE (emergency dental care at night or Sundays and holidays)
tel. 04 93 76 53 53
tel. 04 92 13 00 99

et gratuit du V.I.H. (free and anonymous AIDS screening)
2 rue Edouard Béri (angle hôpital St-Roch) tel. 04 93 85 12 62

PHARMACIE DE NUIT (Night Pharmacy - 24/7)
7, rue Masséna tel. 04 93 87 78 94
66, avenue J. Médecin  tel. 04 93 62 54

POMPIERS (Fire Station): tel. 18

From what I understand these numbers can also be used from your cell phone but only if your phone adjusts itself to that region, for the longer phone numbers such as 04 93... you may have to use the code +33 first.

I hope this is helpful.  Be safe.

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