Thursday, November 15, 2012

Le Code

Want to live out your deepest, darkest fantasies?  Then head to Le Code Private Hard Club Extreme in Nice.  No joke.  Le Code is a straight up, no bullshit, hard core, sex club.  But if you are new at all this, don’t let that scare you off from going.

Although Le Code can’t really be considered (by North American standards) a bathhouse, it is a true sex club, and a refreshing, upfront, no attitude one at that.  Very cool.

In operation for over a year now, Le Code can be found very close to Garibaldi Square and Le Petit Marais district of Nice at: 4 rue Papon.

It’s very easy to find and it’ll be obvious you are there when you see the signage and discreet inner entrance.  Just press the buzzer next to the door to gain entry and once inside, pay the admission where you will then be buzzed through a second set of doors to the front lounge and front desk area.

Once you are in the front lounge, a young, hot attendant will direct you next to the front desk area where he will pass you a plastic type crate through a square hole in the wall about waist level height and it’s here you can disrobe as much or as little as you want to put inside the crate.

For Naked Hard Night, or any theme night, it’s a good idea to follow with what is going on, but there also seems to be no pressure if you don’t feel completely at ease with being totally nude or haven’t brought along your best fetish gear.  Once all your belongings are in the crate, the attendant will give you your wristband marked with your crate number on it, and then the place is yours to explore.

My first experience with Le Code happened to be on their Naked Hard Night, for some reason I didn’t expect to see men nude as soon as I was buzzed into the front lounge area, but it was nice to see everyone in their comfort zone about it all.

I think part of the adventure of a place like this is not being 100% sure of your surroundings which then tends to lead to more exploring.  So now without giving everything away let me just say that although Le Code is not grand in size, it can contain a myriad of action over the main ground level floor, then take the spiral staircase down the to the lower level where it seems most of the fast and feisty sex can be found in the prison cell area, sling rooms and other kinky spots.

As in any good club of this type, there is still a sense of safety and cleanliness throughout, its the clientele's mannerisms here that are taken up a notch or two.  And unlike many regular bathhouses, you won’t find the men at Le Code endlessly parading around hallways hoping for Mr. Perfect to come along, or having loud group gossip sessions in some corner.  That being said, no still means no.

Management of Le Code seem to have the patrons in mind, by keeping their club in decent shape, providing information on safe sex practices, along with condoms and lube that can be found throughout the space.  Information about upcoming events and such are constantly being updated on their website, Facebook page and on Twitter.

The charge to gain entry to Le Code is very economical, with free entry given to many if you are under a certain age and on certain times of the month.  The crowd is very diverse and those with all types of fetishes will easily fit into this environment, I’ve seen the pretty boys hooking up with the bad boys along with every other age, shape and size of a man in Le Code.  For some reason here, there doesn’t seem to be a down time, the place always seems to be active.

At Le Code there are ever changing nightly events to suit everyone’s need and desires, here you could easily surprise yourself and discover something you perhaps never knew you could ever get into.

From the first minute I met the staff at Le Code, I found them to be really on top of their jobs and incredibly helpful, especially if it’s your first time at the establishment.  I think its a good sign in a club like this if the customers feel at ease chatting away with the staff as they work behind the front counter.

Le Code is open seven days a week, check out the website for hours:

Le Code

Being such a unique space and with such a definite following,  I can see Le Code being a part of the community for some time to come.

Photos courtesy of Le Code

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