Sunday, October 15, 2017

Meet International DJ / Producer Leomeo

Over the summer I was lucky enough to meet up with the internationally known DJ/Producer Leomeo at his home in Nice where he was relaxing between gigs.

Sitting on his terrace where he has one of the best panoramic views of the city, we discussed not only his experience in the music industry but I also learned more about the man and his outlook on life.

Tell me a bit about yourself.

I was born in the Philippines and raised in France and both of my parents come from an entertainment background.

So it was only natural that you become a part of the music and club scene?

I grew up listening to all types of music and take inspiration from many artists ranging from Donna Summer to Pink Floyd and Tina Turner to name a few along with other people in the music industry today.

That would make sense having just experienced your mixes over the weekend at the club Glam in Nice. You had the dance floor packed and you didn’t just play one genre of music all night, you kept it fresh by mixing new songs with bursts of vocals and sounds from as far back as even 30 years ago.

It was a good night and Glam is the right size to play most anything, other venues I have played at are sometimes looking for a certain sound for their clientele base and event which makes sense and I take care of that then too. It’s always nice to mix it up and add that element of surprise.

How did you get started in the music business?

I’ve always been interested in music and have mentors in the industry that I admire; early on I taught myself how it works and from there I continually experiment with different music. I think it’s important to keep watching, listening and learning. I have been fortunate in what I do; I keep positive about it all as my work expands. I also don’t have a manager which makes me able to take care of everything on my own and tends to give me more flexibility in what I do.

Well you are doing something right; every time I look at my social media you are playing at yet another venue around the world. What is that like?

You get to meet the most interesting people, explore amazing places and make new friends. It’s been great to experience life around the world and getting to play my music for crowds in places like Sydney, Montreal, Rome and Shanghai.

What were a couple of your favorite venues in which to play?

The Mardi Gras in Sydney was amazing where easily 5000 people were in attendance along with Berlin Pride at the Kit Kat Club this year where most anything goes. Working at an array of venues, you get to meet a range of talents which has enabled me to expand upon my business producing singles and collaborate with other artists.

What made you decide to live in the French Riviera?

I’ve been living in Nice for almost a year now coming from Paris; I have good friends here too and I like the laid back lifestyle along with the sun, beaches and everything in the region. Plus for my business, it’s good to have an international airport close by which makes it easier to travel for work.

*At this time the interview was coming to an end, as we were talking about our lives, DJ Leomeo was gracious enough to tell me something personal that he wanted to publicly disclose which made me just respect the man and his work even more.
What keeps you going?

 I have been HIV positive since I was 20 years old. Knowing this has made me more grateful, respectful and appreciative every day, if fact I get up early most days and can’t wait to get things going and stay healthy. I think it’s important to overall love life and spread happiness.

As simple as this may sound to some, to me it showed strength in his overall character and as DJ Leomeo told me, to simply love life.

Find the gifted DJ/Producer Leomeo online at:






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