Thursday, January 23, 2020

Monaco Moves Forward

Before launching into the new decade, the Principality of Monaco has taken vital steps forward in terms of LGBTQ equality rights.

Same sex couples in the principality will now be able to benefit from a host of legal rights that are afforded to married couples and their children under a new Free Union Law that was passed in early December by the National Council.

The elected member of the Monaco Parliament, Pierre Van Klaveren, read a detailed report on Bill 974 and the civil contracts of solidarity, the law of common life contract and the contract of coexistence which were all unanimously adopted by the Monaco National Council on December 4th, 2019.

The President of the National Council Stephane Valeri said, "It's true, we would have preferred two different texts, but as we are pragmatic, we had declared ourselves ready to accept a single law, if it had two separate elements, with separate rights for couples and families, without hypocrisy, because of course their relationships are different. It's done."

Thankfully for now, the rights recognized to couples, of the same sex or of different sex, protect a person in some of the hardest situations of their life, such as in health issues through the social coverage of the partner, or in the time of death so that there is a more favourable succession of rights or co-ownership of an estate.
Unfortunately still to date, Mr. Valeri made a point of saying that the common life contract is very different from a marriage contract, which at this time remains unattainable for same sex couples in Monaco.

French law states, the union libre is an agreement between adults which grants rights between parents and potential children, but holds no obligation of sexual fidelity, nor does it grant reciprocal duties and rights between partners.
Mr. Valeri mentioned at the end of the meeting, "Through the joint work of the Monaco Government and the National Council, we are moving our country even more on the path of modernity."

"This is good news firstly for all concerned couples...and I know there are many of us tonight. These couples will be able to benefit from recognition of their situation, to which they can legitimately aspire. It is excellent news for the international image of Monaco, a modern state which is always respectful of it's institutions and values."

Monaco has always been known as a free living, yet to a small extent a religious country but in the past number of years has started to show far more acceptance to members of the LGBTQI community and continues to provide a safe environment in which to visit.

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