Sunday, May 16, 2021

Summer Reading

In the middle of March 2021, announcements continued to be made practically every week in regards to what restrictions were about to be added or staying the same for us in France due to the Coronavirus situation.

This meant, our curfews were still going to stay in place and most of the shops were going to be closed again for an extended time period along with the radius of which we were allowed to travel being that of 10km. Basically, the government wanted everyone to stop movement as much as possible to protect against the spread of the virus while vaccinations have increased.
Fortunately, my work has kept me busy taking care of clients’ requests from around the world, if not for now, then in the near future once borders start opening up again.

Although I work a minimum of 12 hours a day, pretty much every day of the year, I still felt like I had some time to take on another project, and what better time than during a pandemic? This project has been in the back of my mind though for years and encouraged by others to pursue it, so that is what I have done.

I’ve written a book.

Bathhouse Babylon has been released this weekend as an e-book and paperback and tells a true, in-depth account of part of my former work and life in North America.

At that time, I managed three gay bathhouses, or gay saunas, as they are called here in Europe, over an extensive number of years. I wanted to tell a story that is more of an insider’s scoop on the inner workings of the bathhouse industry, kind of like a behind-the-scenes adventure.

During various times in that field of work, I kept diaries as a way to navigate what might have been taking place, no matter the emotion (and there were plenty), and as it was happening. I had a gut feeling it would at some point be useful for myself in the future, most of all to see how I have grown as an individual.
When you work in bathhouses, the bullshit is stripped away, quite literally at times. There is a whole social dynamic about it all that much of the outside world might not have privy to and is absolutely fascinating to observe and be surrounded by at all times.

You see how men manoeuver in that environment on a daily basis, for the most part simply because of their unending sexual desires which in turn both motivates or can dictate how men think on occasion, whether it is to their benefit or not.

You can’t have a bathhouse without sex so of course, there are extraordinary sex stories in the book but there is far more to what encompasses bathhouses than all of that and this is what I also wanted to write about, to give people background information based on my experiences.
I wasn’t sure how I would feel working on my first book, but it’s been one of the most enjoyable projects in my life and seemed to flow naturally, which is easy to do when you’re telling the truth.

It’s brought back every emotion of that time, both good and bad and it’s felt extremely cathartic in many ways. It’s given me the gift of being able to see how I was then, to how I have grown now, and to be able to realize how much of it has actually helped prepare me for my life in France and my work in the luxury real estate world.

It’s given me the education on how to observe everything at all times, negotiate better, navigate scenarios through strategic thinking, know when to speak up, know when to have decorum, and best of all, how to deal with bullshitters.

Overall, I feel that the more those of us in the LGBTQ community can contribute to our history, no matter our experiences have been, it is all a part of our story and I believe it will be beneficial for those who will come after us to learn from it all to know how to best move forward in life.

Unintentionally, as life does come at you full force, there will be things in this book that will shock people but also make them laugh, sad, infuriated, happy, and hopefully learn from to see other aspects of the world.

Please find Bathhouse Babylon on Amazon and several other online retailers to come.


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