Wednesday, January 5, 2022

The Stalker Craig Book

To pull away from the LGBTQ lifestyle in the Cote d’Azur for a moment, I wanted to let my readers know I’ve recently published a book titled “Stalker Craig.”

In this crazy worldwide internet web of life, I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been trolled or possibly cyberstalked online, so I wanted to present my experience, hoping that others can learn from it.
Stalker Craig is a true tell-all account of a friendship that went wrong over a slight disagreement and of how a former friend then started targeting me with ongoing online harassment and death threats over the years.

It’s a story of a trusting friendship that turned into a campaign of hate and jealousy by pursuing online antics weaved by the perpetrator in his unrelenting attacks.

The book details how he began his attacks and the various escalating steps and abuse he continues to take in an attempt to break me down mentally to the point of depression and thoughts of suicide.

The book, Stalker Craig, indicates the lengths an individual will go to when his online harassment has not resulted in the satisfaction he desires to raise the levels of hate against you and your loved ones.

As though the daily harassment isn’t enough to deal with over the years, the stalker then twists any updated information he thinks has about you, those around you, and your businesses to what he thinks is his benefit to ruin your life. When any recent information runs out for Stalker Craig, he will come up with the most unbelievable stories online to provoke and possibly damage your reputation with rumors of outrageous sexual acts, fraud, diseases, and even murder for you and those closest to you to read.

The book’s timeline states how it all began to its now astonishing levels of absurdity with continuous complaints made throughout the years for the files set up with numerous police departments, law firms, and court orders to try and make him stop.

The never-ending fear one feels when you need to watch your back worried the stalker might show up and possibly kill you due to the anger he consistently expresses. Or that he will go after someone you love and care about more aggressively.

Stalker Craig describes what most don’t consider when being consistently attacked online. The endless hours it takes to screenshot, save and file all the evidence while you continue to map out and verify his attacks. The time and effort it takes to try and have the defamatory posts and comments removed through the myriad of fake social media accounts he has made up to then also give to the police and legal team.

Over time, the toll it takes on the victim, mental health issues, privacy and trust concerns, the continued breakdown, and shattering of your self-confidence, leading to depression.
Stalker Craig is a diary of how the victim has continued to deal with the situation of abuse and safety concerns when you’ve done everything you are supposed to for it to end. And when none of the harassment has stopped, to save oneself, it gets to the point that this is enough and, under the guidance of lawyers and police, leads to a more drastic, strategic step in hopes of regaining control of your life.

Stalker Craig can be found on Amazon and with many other online retailers.

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