Tuesday, March 8, 2022

New Bike Path from Nice to Monaco


If there is one sport much beloved here in France, it’s cycling.

It’s not unusual any day of the year to see people on their own or as a small group heading out on their bikes whether it’s for leisure or in a competitive manner.

Almost a year ago, Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi presented his 2021-2026 Cycling Plan for the greater Nice Cote d’Azur area. This plan is targeted at seeing 10% of all local travel being done by bicycle, with an additional 160 kilometres of bike paths, with 75 of those kilometres being within the city of Nice alone along with increasing the number of parking spaces on both the streets and in parking garages for cyclists.

Finally, the plan is now to become a reality as 100,000 euros have been allocated to renovated and expand, with a promise of this sum to be renewed every year.

What is also interesting about this project is the new link between Nice and the Principality of Monaco. The route planned will use the largest possible number of kilometres so that those people cycling can get the most out of their workout and ride to each destination.

The links proposed have been researched and overall well determined as automatic counters have been clocking bike traffic since October of 2019, with 13 spots in Nice, three in Saint Laurent du Var, two in Cagnes-sur-Mer, with one each in Carros, Broc, and Gattieres.

As anyone knows, the Promenade des Anglais at any time of the year is the busiest crossing point where on average 4000 daily crossings have been made since May 2020. 

Monaco has been known for years for its eco-friendly, green movement, and cycling is at the top of the list when it comes to that alternative form of transportation.

The launch of the electric bike company, MonaBike a couple of years ago is indicative of such a shift with stations set up throughout the Principality. Or, another wonderful, alternative experience can be found with Velo Monaco.

And in the city of Nice, VĂ©lo bleu rental locations are also situated throughout the city for both tourists and locals to take advantage of as an alternative to cars or even public transit.

Little by little, cycling is becoming the more popular way around the region. Cycle safely.

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