Sunday, January 15, 2023

Rainbow Bar in Nice

Near the beginning of last summer, a new and fabulous LGBTQ+ cocktail bar opened up in what is known affectionately by the locals as ‘le petit Marais' of Nice.

Situated at 9 Rue Bonaparte, and adding even more color and light to this special part of the city, Rainbow Bar quickly became a favorite by those not only living in Nice but also visitors alike.

This attitude-free zone brings people together from every walk of life, whether it is to hang out with friends for an after-work apéro and tapas, or as part of a night out on the town to catch a drag show, to check your vocal range by singing a few bars of a song on karaoke night, or even just on your own where you can take in the ambiance, people watch and easily make new friends.

Rainbow Bar isn’t a huge establishment, but that just means more fun can be had with everyone being in close quarters with each other. The business is well laid out so that you can watch the world go by from the terrace, or get to know someone better on a date in a cozy corner at the back.

An array of vibrant, tasty, reasonably priced cocktails concocted by the friendly staff are available or feel free to ask for your regular drink of choice.

With new establishments, especially those in the LGBTQ world, it can be hard to know if a place will really take off, but if this past summer was any indication Rainbow Bar has certainly had a tremendous start and continues to do well.

Photo credit: Rainbow Bar

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