Monday, May 1, 2023

City of Nice - Highly Rated for LGBTQ Marriages


Nice has recently been rated as one of the top regional capitals in France to celebrate the most “marriages for all”.
The municipality is pleased to announce that Nice is "the example in (its) fight against homophobia".

More than 700 LGBTQ marriages have been celebrated in Nice in the past ten years, for a total of 70,000 in France. As soon as same-sex marriages became legal in the country, Nice, the capital of the Alpes-Maritimes became one of the French cities that celebrate the most marriages. 

In 2013, 6% of these unions were performed in Nice, the second city after Paris, a few months after the law was passed in Parliament. Nearly one marriage in 10 in Nice in 2015 was from the LGBTQ community.

Before the law came into effect in France, the mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi (UMP), seemed on the fence about the subject. In Nice-Matin (13/01/13) he had "confirmed his opposition to the opening of marriage for homosexuals". As a deputy, he had even voted against it. Four months later, he said he was now "delighted" to be one of the first mayors to celebrate the legality of same-sex marriage in France.

Since the early 1990s, the city of Nice, along with other cities up and down the regional coastline has slowly come to realize the importance of the LGBTQ community. This in many ways has been spearheaded because of the large tourism boards, realizing how strong of an impact our money can be anywhere we travel in the world.

With Nice being one of the top-rated places in France to get married as members of the LGBTQ community, it signals this to be a safe destination and acceptance as a whole, all the while feeling very second nature in our lives.

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